The bike just separated from the sidecar |
On collection of the machine the DVLA log book was not available but entering the registration number into the DVLA website showed the bike to be a Panther 600cc first registered February 1960 with tax due on 1st February 1994 and no MOT details. The registration letters on the rear number plate, LVS, are listed as Greenock, Renfrewshire, in Scotland; this is a replacement number for one presumably sold off. The bike came with a copy of the P&M Maintenance Manual and a Pitmans Book of the Heavyweight Panther. Inside the Pitmans I found three old tax discs for a Panther with the number 185 MTD, a Lancashire number and presumably the original number of the bike. The DVLA website shows that this now resides on a 1994 Porsche.
Documents that came with it. |
I found the frame number 27379 on the left hand side of the frame round the sidecar mount boss under the saddle. I've only seen it there once before, it is usually on the right hand side of the same lug. Sending that number to the POC Registrar (
pocregistrar@yahoo.co.uk) produced a very fast response saying that the frame was stamped with the number on 19th January 1960. (Thanks Ginger).
Frame number 27379 |
John has now found the logbook and sent me a photo although the paper copy has never turned up. The log book shows that the bike was first registered on 5th February 1960 and has had four keepers since January 1978. The change to Eric Kirby took place on 12th December 1992, the change before on 5th December 1990. The engine number is given as MS133, M is Model 100, 600cc, S is rear suspension, 133rd engine built that year. Although the number should commence with the year, say 60 if this is the original engine, this is not quoted on the log book.
The old log book. |
Engine number. |
The engine number on the bike now is 51M1760B, a 1951 engine, clearly not the original and not the one fitted in 1960.
In order to restore/rebuild or just run a Panther you really need to join the Panther Owners Club, (www.pantherownersclub.com for information) for spares, manuals and like minded people. The subject of this blog, a Panther Heavyweight, is extensively covered in my two manuals, the Engine and Gearbox Manual and the Cycle Parts Manual. These were written in response to the many queries received by the POC spares secretaries and the lack of detailed manuals from the factory. Both are available from myself, just drop an email to
My intention is to return this outfit to the road as a working Panther sidecar outfit using as many of the original parts as possible. Where parts are beyond repair I shall replace them from the depths of my shed or, failing that, look for second hand parts. Finally of course there is the POC spares scheme to fall back on. I shall not be seeking a prize-winning finish, no chrome, little or no stainless steel and no powder coat.
Let's see how we get on!